How to say Orange juice in Italian?

What does Succo d'arancia mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Orange juice” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Succo d'arancia”?

Orange juice is translated in Italian by...

Il succo d'arancia (m)
Orange juice

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Un bicchiere di succo d'arancia, per favore.
A glass of orange juice, please.
Vorrei un po' di succo d'arancia per favore.
I would like a bit of orange juice please.
Ho del caffè, del succo d'arancia, del latte...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
Loro bevevano succo d'arancia prima di alzarsi.
They used to drink orange juice before getting up.


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