How to say Ketchup in Italian?
What does Ketchup mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Ketchup is translated in Italian by...
Il ketchup (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
C'è del ketchup e della mostarda sul suo hot dog.
There is ketchup and mustard on his hot dog.
There is ketchup and mustard on his hot dog.
More Example Sentences.
Non riesco a trovare il ketchup.
I can't find the ketchup.
I can't find the ketchup.
Voglio il ketchup per le mie patatine fritte.
I want ketchup for my french fries.
I want ketchup for my french fries.
Sto mescolando maionese con ketchup.
I am mixing mayonnaise with ketchup.
I am mixing mayonnaise with ketchup.