How to say Keys in French?
What does Clés mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Keys is translated in French by...
Les clés (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Nous cherchons nos clés.
We are looking for our keys.
We are looking for our keys.
Tu es partie sans tes clés.
You left without your keys.
You left without your keys.
Merci! Je perds toujours mes clés.
Thanks! I always lose my keys.
Thanks! I always lose my keys.
Je lui donnerai bientôt les clés.
I will soon give her the keys.
I will soon give her the keys.
Tu ne peux pas partir sans tes clés.
You can't leave without your keys.
You can't leave without your keys.
Nous entrerions dans la maison, mais nous avons perdu nos clés.
We would enter the house, but we lost our keys.
We would enter the house, but we lost our keys.
More Example Sentences.
Je n'ai pas mes clés de maison non plus!
I don't have my house keys either!
I don't have my house keys either!
Donnez-moi vos clés et je m'en occupe.
Give me your keys and I'll take care of it.
Give me your keys and I'll take care of it.
J'ai laissé mes clés de voiture dans le sac de plage.
I left my car keys in the beach bag.
I left my car keys in the beach bag.
Il refait une autre facture pour 50% du prix, et me redonne mes clés.
He makes another bill for 50% of the price, and gives me back my keys.
He makes another bill for 50% of the price, and gives me back my keys.
Je finis par prendre mes clés et je m'en vais sans avoir obtenu les services du garagiste.
I finally take my keys and leave without having obtained the services of the mechanic.
I finally take my keys and leave without having obtained the services of the mechanic.
Je trouve que sa manière de faire est vraiment étrange, mais je lui laisse tout de même mes clés.
I think his way of doing things is really strange, but I still leave him my keys.
I think his way of doing things is really strange, but I still leave him my keys.