How to say Keys in Italian?
What does Chiavi mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Keys is translated in Italian by...
Le chiavi (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Io perdo sempre le mie chiavi.
I always lose my keys.
I always lose my keys.
Presto, io gli darò le chiavi.
I will soon give her the keys.
I will soon give her the keys.
Noi cerchiamo le nostre chiavi.
We are looking for our keys.
We are looking for our keys.
Le vostre chiavi stanno per terra.
Your keys are on the ground.
Your keys are on the ground.
Tu non puoi partire senza le tue chiavi.
You can't leave without your keys.
You can't leave without your keys.
Se non avessimo perso le chiavi, noi entreremmo in casa.
If we hadn't lost our keys, we would enter the house.
If we hadn't lost our keys, we would enter the house.
More Example Sentences.
Non ho nemmeno le mie chiavi di casa!
I don't have my house keys either!
I don't have my house keys either!
Dammi le tue chiavi e me ne occupo io.
Give me your keys and I'll take care of it.
Give me your keys and I'll take care of it.
Fa un'altra fattura al 50% del prezzo e mi restituisce le mie chiavi.
He makes another bill for 50% of the price, and gives me back my keys.
He makes another bill for 50% of the price, and gives me back my keys.
Alla fine prendo le chiavi e me ne vado senza aver ottenuto i servizi del garage.
I finally take my keys and leave without having obtained the services of the mechanic.
I finally take my keys and leave without having obtained the services of the mechanic.
Penso che il suo modo di fare le cose sia davvero strano, ma gli lascio comunque le mie chiavi.
I think his way of doing things is really strange, but I still leave him my keys.
I think his way of doing things is really strange, but I still leave him my keys.