Learn Italian: Kitchen Vocabulary

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Kitchen Vocabulary
La cucina (f)

Tu dovrai pulire la cucina.
You will have to clean the kitchen.
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L'armadietto (m)

Mi piace! Dove hai comprato gli armadietti?
I like it! Where did you buy the cabinets?
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La sedia (f)

Il tavolo si trova tra le sedie.
The table is between the chairs.
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Il bancone (m)

Non c'è niente sul bancone.
There is nothing on the counter.
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La lavastoviglie (f)

Ci sono molti piatti puliti nel lavastoviglie.
There are a lot of clean dishes in the dishwasher.
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Il frigorifero (m)

Non c'è niente nel frigorifero.
There is nothing in the fridge.
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La microonde (f)

Ha avuto una vita meravigliosa senza ingorghi del traffico, inquinamento e cene a microonde.
She had a wonderful life without traffic jams, pollution and microwave dinners.
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La presa di corrente (f)
Power outlet

Dov'è la presa di corrente?
Where is the power outlet?
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Il lavandino (m)

L'idraulico ha potuto riparare il lavandino.
The plumber was able to fix the sink.
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Il fornello (m)

Bruciò la mano sul fornello.
She burnt her hand on the stove.
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Il tavolo (m)

Bene, ecco il vostro tavolo.
Alright, here is your table.
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Il tostapane (m)

Gli ho detto che avrebbe dovuto mettere la fetta di pane nel tostapane.
I told him that he should put the slice of bread in the toaster.
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