How to say Lake in French?

What does Lac mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Lake” in French? What is the meaning of “Lac”?

Lake is translated in French by...

Le lac (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Nous allons au lac pour pêcher.
We go to the lake to fish.
Le lac est devant eux.
The lake is in front of them.
Elle aimerait vivre près d'un lac.
She would like to live close to a lake.
Nous allions au lac pour faire un pique-nique.
We used to go to the lake to have a picnic.
Je jouerai de la guitare près du lac aujourd'hui.
I will play guitar by the lake today.
Les poissons mouraient à cause de la pollution dans le lac.
The fish were dying because of the pollution in the lake.

More Example Sentences.

Il y a plusieurs chalets autour du lac.
There are several chalets around the lake.
Chaque été, je vais au chalet sur le lac Montarin avec mes parents.
Every summer, I go to the chalet on Lake Montarin with my parents.


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