How to say Lake in German?

What does See mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Lake” in German? What is the meaning of “See”?

Lake is translated in German by...

Der See (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Wir gehen zum See angeln.
We are going to the lake to fish.
Wir gingen zum See picknicken.
We used to go to the lake to have a picnic.
Die Fische starben an der Verunreinigung im See.
The fish were dying of pollution in the lake.

More Example Sentences.

Es gibt mehrere Hütten um den See herum.
There are several chalets around the lake.
Jeden Sommer gehe ich mit meinen Eltern in die Hütte am See Montarin.
Every summer, I go to the chalet on Lake Montarin with my parents.


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