How to say Large in Italian?
What does Grande mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Large is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

That dog is very large.

Rome is a very large city.

Would you like the normal or large size?

They will work for a large enterprise.

Our land is large, but theirs is very large.
More Example Sentences.

I have also seen beautiful large cities, but I prefer small towns.

I work as an accountant in a large building downtown.

Did you happen to see a large German Shepherd pass by here?
Grande can also be translated by...
Example Sentences in Context.

They are a bit too big.

Your house is very big.

If the pants weren't so big, he would wear them.

I always dream that big eyes look at me from the sky.

He entered and gave me a big box.

I would like a big glass of water, please.

The big box is mine, the small box is hers.