How to say Late in French?
What does Tard mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
De rien. À plus tard.
You're welcome. See you later.
You're welcome. See you later.
Nous arriverons en retard!
We will arrive late!
We will arrive late!
Pouvez-vous rappeler plus tard?
Can you call back later?
Can you call back later?
Oui, envoie-moi un texto plus tard.
Yes, send me a text later.
Yes, send me a text later.
Nous sortirons tard ce soir.
We will go out late tonight.
We will go out late tonight.
Je n'aime pas travailler tard.
I don't like working late.
I don't like working late.
Désolée, je suis un peu en retard.
I'm sorry, I'm a little late.
I'm sorry, I'm a little late.
Non, je ne peux pas rappeler plus tard.
No, I can't call back later.
No, I can't call back later.
Est-ce que c'est pour maintenant ou plus tard?
Is it for now or later?
Is it for now or later?
Mais ça devrait se dégager plus tard.
But it's supposed to clear up later.
But it's supposed to clear up later.
Une demi-heure!? Je suis déjà en retard!
Half an hour!? I am already late!
Half an hour!? I am already late!
Merci, toi aussi. À plus tard Thomas.
Thanks, you too. See you later Thomas.
Thanks, you too. See you later Thomas.
Je me couche plus tard que lui.
I go to bed (myself) later than him.
I go to bed (myself) later than him.
Je travaillerai tard encore ce soir.
I will work late again tonight.
I will work late again tonight.
Elle s'est couchée trop tard hier.
She went to bed too late yesterday.
She went to bed too late yesterday.
Nous allons en discuter plus tard.
We are going to discuss this later.
We are going to discuss this later.
Nous attendrions, mais nous sommes en retard.
We would wait, but we are late.
We would wait, but we are late.
Bon, il se fait tard, je dois rentrer à la maison.
Well, it's getting late, I have to go home.
Well, it's getting late, I have to go home.
Évite d'arriver en retard pour ton rendez-vous.
Avoid arriving late for your meeting.
Avoid arriving late for your meeting.
Tu arrives toujours en retard. Je t'attends!
You always arrive late. I am waiting for you!
You always arrive late. I am waiting for you!
Tu as tort, je ne voulais pas être en retard.
You are wrong, I didn't mean to be late.
You are wrong, I didn't mean to be late.