How to say Library in French?
What does Bibliothèque mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Library is translated in French by...
La bibliothèque (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Je suis à la bibliothèque.
I am at the library.
I am at the library.
Je vais à la bibliothèque pour étudier.
I go to the library to study.
I go to the library to study.
Elle veut partir de la bibliothèque.
She wants to leave the library.
She wants to leave the library.
Il n'y a personne dans la bibliothèque.
There is no one in the library.
There is no one in the library.
Baisse le ton, nous sommes dans une bibliothèque.
Lower your voice, we are in a library.
Lower your voice, we are in a library.
Elle peut lire n'importe quoi dans la bibliothèque.
She can read anything in the library.
She can read anything in the library.
More Example Sentences.
On n'a pas besoin d'aller à la bibliothèque pour trouver de l'information.
We don't need to go to the library to find information.
We don't need to go to the library to find information.