How to say Light in German?
What does Leicht mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Light is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Die Feder ist leicht.
The feather is light.
The feather is light.
More Example Sentences.
Sie ist sehr leicht.
She is very light.
She is very light.
Ist die Box leicht genug, um sie alleine zu tragen?
Is the box light enough to carry alone?
Is the box light enough to carry alone?
Light can also be translated in German by...
Das Licht (n)
Example Sentences in Context.
Kannst du das Licht anmachen?
Can you turn the light on?
Can you turn the light on?
Kannst du das Licht anmachen?
Can you turn on the light?
Can you turn on the light?
Du hattest die Lichter ausgemacht.
You had turned off the lights.
You had turned off the lights.
Du machtest dein Geschenk auf und es war Licht darin.
You were opening your gift and there was light inside.
You were opening your gift and there was light inside.
Licht kam aus ihrem Geschenk heraus, als sie die Schachtel öffnete.
Light came out of her gift, when she opened the box.
Light came out of her gift, when she opened the box.
Nur blinkende Lichter.
Only flashing lights.
Only flashing lights.
Die Lichter im Raum sind an.
The lights are on in the room.
The lights are on in the room.
Ihre Mutter und ihr Onkel konnten in Lichtgeschwindigkeit fliegen.
Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.
Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.
Aber plötzlich gehen das Licht und der Fernseher in meinem Zimmer aus.
But suddenly, the light and the television in my room go out.
But suddenly, the light and the television in my room go out.
Es ist Zeit, das Licht in meiner alten Wohnung das letzte Mal auszuschalten.
It's time to turn off the light for the last time in my old apartment.
It's time to turn off the light for the last time in my old apartment.
Ich versuche, ihn noch mal zu drücken, dadurch blinken nur die Lichter im Fahrstuhl.
I try to push it again, but it only flashes the lights in the elevator.
I try to push it again, but it only flashes the lights in the elevator.