Learn Italian: Living room Vocabulary

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Living room Vocabulary
Il soggiorno (m)
Living room

Ma per fortuna abbiamo un camino nel soggiorno.
But fortunately, we have a fireplace in the living room.
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La candela (f)

Voi potete spegnere le candele adesso.
You can blow out the candles now.
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Il lampadario (m)

Il lampadario è polveroso.
The chandelier is dusty.
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L'orologio (m)

Vuoi l'orologio nero o quello bianco?
Do you want the black clock or the white one?
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Il tavolino (m)
Coffee table

Questo è un bellissimo tavolino da caffè.
That is a beautiful coffee table.
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Il divano (m)

Lei legge una rivista sul divano.
She is reading a magazine on the couch.
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Il camino (m)

C'era già il camino?
Was the fireplace already there?
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Il telecomando (m)
Remote control

Ho perso il telecomando.
I lost the remote control.
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Il tappeto (m)

Adoro il tuo nuovo tappeto.
I love your new rug.
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Il sofà (m)

Posso dormire sul tuo sofà?
Can I sleep on your sofa?
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Lo stereo (m)
Sound system

Hai un buon stereo?
Do you have a good sound system?
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La televisione (f)

Tu guardavi la televisione.
You were watching television.
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