How to say Long in Italian?
What does Lungo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Lungo (m) / Lunga (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Il treno è lungo.
The train is long.
The train is long.
Lui si riposa dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro.
He is resting after a long day of work.
He is resting after a long day of work.
Sì, molto lungo. È durato 16 ore.
Yes, very long. It was 16 hours.
Yes, very long. It was 16 hours.
Lui è arrivato a casa dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro.
He arrived home after a long day of work.
He arrived home after a long day of work.
Lei ha voluto dormire più a lungo.
She (has) wanted to sleep longer.
She (has) wanted to sleep longer.
È lontano! Il volo è stato lungo?
That is far away! Was it a long flight?
That is far away! Was it a long flight?
Io dormirei più a lungo, se potessi.
I would sleep longer, if I could.
I would sleep longer, if I could.
Tu hai odiato i broccoli per lungo tempo.
You have hated broccoli for a long time.
You have hated broccoli for a long time.
Probabilmente, un temporale non dura mai troppo a lungo.
Probably, a thunderstorm never lasts very long.
Probably, a thunderstorm never lasts very long.