How to say Loud in Italian?
What does Forte mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Loud is translated in Italian by...
Forte (m) / Forte (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Tu parli molto forte.
You speak very loud.
You speak very loud.
More Example Sentences.
Grugnisce ancora più forte!
He's growling even louder!
He's growling even louder!
Comincio a gridare più forte che posso: Qualcuno mi aiuti!
I start yelling as loud as I can: Someone help me!
I start yelling as loud as I can: Someone help me!
Quando sono arrivati davanti alla baita , hanno sentito un rumore molto forte.
When they arrived in front of the cabin, they heard a loud noise.
When they arrived in front of the cabin, they heard a loud noise.
Forte can also be translated by...
Forte (m) / Forte (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Lei è forte quanto me.
She is as strong as I am (me).
She is as strong as I am (me).
Mi piacerebbe essere forte come lui.
I would like to be strong like him.
I would like to be strong like him.
Neanche il cavallo è abbastanza forte.
The horse is not strong enough either.
The horse is not strong enough either.
Rabadak era molto forte.
Rabadak was very strong.
Rabadak was very strong.
Suo fratello era molto forte.
Her brother was very strong.
Her brother was very strong.
È giovane, forte e non si stanca mai.
He's young, strong and never gets tired.
He's young, strong and never gets tired.
Billy era un asino giovane, veloce e forte.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Gli anni passavano e il suo regno rimaneva forte.
The years went by and his reign remained strong.
The years went by and his reign remained strong.
Non posso trattenerlo, il suo istinto è troppo forte.
I can't hold him back, his instincts are too strong.
I can't hold him back, his instincts are too strong.
Il cavallo si sentiva bene e sembrava forte e felice.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
Nonostante le sue cattive condizioni fisiche, Alex era estremamente forte.
Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.
Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.
Quando ha ripreso coscienza, non era abbastanza forte per alzarsi in piedi.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.