How to say Lunch in Spanish?

What does Almuerzo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Lunch” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Almuerzo”?

Lunch is translated in Spanish by...

El almuerzo (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tenemos algunos minutos antes de mi hora del almuerzo.
We have a few minutes before my lunch break.
No me gustó el almuerzo de ayer, pero me gusta este.
I didn't like yesterday's lunch, but I like this one.

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Después, todo el grupo se va y me dejan en paz, sin nada con qué comprar mi almuerzo.
Afterwards, the whole group goes away and leaves me alone, with nothing to pay my lunch with.
A la mañana siguiente, almuerzo, luego nado en la piscina del hotel hasta que llega la hora de salir al aeropuerto.
The next morning, I have lunch, then I swim in the pool of the hotel until I leave for the airport.


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