How to say Man in French?
What does Homme mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Man is translated in French by...

The man
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

It was clearly a man.

Oh, I know. What to buy a man who has everything?

Do you remember if the robber was a man or a woman?
More Example Sentences.

A man answers.

I am a man too!

I'm a businessman.

Had the man lied to her?

He was a very handsome man.

The young man said: Sure!

The man gets out of his canoe.

Anna never spoke to the man again.

The man helps me board his canoe.

He doesn't act like the man I know.

The man showed great interest in her.

There was something strange about this man.

This morning, I ran into a man and his daughter.

There's only one man working on a car.

He was a very important man in his battalion.

He was by far the strongest man in the village.

She stepped on the young man's untied shoelace.

In that time, there was a man named Rabadak.

I am a sensitive man with real feelings, okay?

The young man stood back up and accepted her apologies.

When he is awake, my husband is a really nice man.

She quickly found hundreds of pictures of the man.

That was one of the few times in which the man felt fear.

He would never again be the tireless man he used to be.

But this man had lots of very high quality pictures.

Okay, I'm a little surprised by the man's tone of voice.

Mateo was a young man who was very passionate about music.

Once upon a time, there was a 17-year-old young man named Max.

But you can't blame a dying man for dreaming of flying.

The man tells me there was nothing here when they arrived.

She saw the man's profile picture on a bus advertisement.

They had to retreat because they had lost too many men.

That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.

He tells me: Are you the man who's disturbing the tranquility of the forest?

But on the contrary, the lazy young man's behavior ended up getting worse.

After the trip, the man continued to dedicate his life to wildlife and animals.

At first, the young man seemed to doubt his mother, but he had always trusted her.

The man at the counter tells me that there would be a penalty, but that it would be possible.

One day, as she walked down the halls, she suddenly stumbled upon a young man by accident.

Lily didn't think of the accident again until she saw the young man again in her new science class.

A young 27-year old man, named Alex, had grown up watching the stars of his city succeed in this sport.