How to say Man in Italian?
What does Uomo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Man is translated in Italian by...
L'uomo (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
L'uomo d'affari (m)
Business man
Business man
Era chiaramente un uomo.
It was clearly a man.
It was clearly a man.
Lo so. Cosa puoi portare a un uomo che ha tutto?
I know. What can you bring a man who has everything?
I know. What can you bring a man who has everything?
Ricorda se il ladro era un uomo o una donna?
Do you remember if the robber was a man or a woman?
Do you remember if the robber was a man or a woman?
More Example Sentences.
Mi risponde un uomo.
A man answers.
A man answers.
Sono un uomo anche io!
I am a man too!
I am a man too!
Sono un uomo d'affari.
I'm a businessman.
I'm a businessman.
L'uomo le aveva mentito?
Had the man lied to her?
Had the man lied to her?
Era un uomo molto bello.
He was a very handsome man.
He was a very handsome man.
L'uomo esce dalla sua canoa.
The man gets out of his canoe.
The man gets out of his canoe.
L'uomo era molto interessato a lei.
The man showed great interest in her.
The man showed great interest in her.
Non si comporta come l'uomo che conosco.
He doesn't act like the man I know.
He doesn't act like the man I know.
Anna non ha mai più parlato con l'uomo.
Anna never spoke to the man again.
Anna never spoke to the man again.
L'uomo mi aiuta a salire sulla sua canoa.
The man helps me board his canoe.
The man helps me board his canoe.
C'era qualcosa di strano in quest'uomo.
There was something strange about this man.
There was something strange about this man.
C'è solo un uomo che lavora su una macchina.
There's only one man working on a car.
There's only one man working on a car.
A quel tempo, c'era un uomo di nome Rabadak.
In that time, there was a man named Rabadak.
In that time, there was a man named Rabadak.
Sono un uomo sensibile con sentimenti veri, OK?
I am a sensitive man with real feelings, okay?
I am a sensitive man with real feelings, okay?
Era un uomo molto importante nel suo battaglione.
He was a very important man in his battalion.
He was a very important man in his battalion.
Ha calpestato i lacci sciolti del giovane uomo.
She stepped on the young man's untied shoelace.
She stepped on the young man's untied shoelace.
Era di gran lunga l'uomo più forte del villaggio.
He was by far the strongest man in the village.
He was by far the strongest man in the village.
Questa mattina, ho incontrato un uomo e sua figlia.
This morning, I ran into a man and his daughter.
This morning, I ran into a man and his daughter.
Ha rapidamente trovato centinaia di foto dell'uomo.
She quickly found hundreds of pictures of the man.
She quickly found hundreds of pictures of the man.
Quando è sveglio, mio marito è un uomo davvero gentile.
When he is awake, my husband is a really nice man.
When he is awake, my husband is a really nice man.
Ma quest'uomo aveva molte foto di altissima qualità.
But this man had lots of very high quality pictures.
But this man had lots of very high quality pictures.
Beh, sono un po' sorpreso dal tono di voce dell'uomo.
Okay, I'm a little surprised by the man's tone of voice.
Okay, I'm a little surprised by the man's tone of voice.
Era una delle poche volte che l'uomo ha avuto paura.
That was one of the few times in which the man felt fear.
That was one of the few times in which the man felt fear.
Non sarebbe mai più stato l'uomo instancabile che era stato.
He would never again be the tireless man he used to be.
He would never again be the tireless man he used to be.
L'uomo mi dice che non c'era nulla qui quando sono arrivati.
The man tells me there was nothing here when they arrived.
The man tells me there was nothing here when they arrived.
Ha visto la foto profilo dell'uomo sulla pubblicità di un autobus.
She saw the man's profile picture on a bus advertisement.
She saw the man's profile picture on a bus advertisement.
Questo grande uomo è quello che oggi viene chiamato gorilla di montagna.
That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.
That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.
Mi dice: Sei tu l'uomo che disturba la tranquillità della foresta?
He tells me: Are you the man who's disturbing the tranquility of the forest?
He tells me: Are you the man who's disturbing the tranquility of the forest?
L'uomo al bancone mi dice che ci sarebbe una sanzione, ma che sarebbe possibile.
The man at the counter tells me that there would be a penalty, but that it would be possible.
The man at the counter tells me that there would be a penalty, but that it would be possible.
Un giorno, mentre camminava lungo i corridoi, ha incontrato per caso un giovane uomo.
One day, as she walked down the halls, she suddenly stumbled upon a young man by accident.
One day, as she walked down the halls, she suddenly stumbled upon a young man by accident.