How to say Mean in French?

What does Méchant mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Mean” in French? What is the meaning of “Méchant”?

Mean is translated in French by...

Méchant (m) / Méchante (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il rirait, mais il fait semblant d'être un méchant pirate.
He would laugh, but he is pretending to be a mean pirate.

More Example Sentences.

Il est méchant avec moi.
He is mean to me.
Ces garçons sont méchants.
These boys are mean.
Ils sont méchants avec vous.
They are mean to you.
Un après-midi, les deux soeurs avaient prévu de faire quelque chose de méchant à la princesse Isabela.
One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.


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