How to say Meat in French?
What does Viande mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Meat is translated in French by...
La viande (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Pendant ce temps, Rio le chien reniflait en cherchant le panier qui avait laissé une si délicieuse odeur de viande.
Meanwhile, Rio the dog was sniffing in search of the cart that had left such a delicious scent of meat.
Meanwhile, Rio the dog was sniffing in search of the cart that had left such a delicious scent of meat.
Il n'y a plus de viande dans le frigo.
There is no meat left in the fridge.
There is no meat left in the fridge.
J'ai réduit la quantité de viande que je mange.
I've reduced the amount of meat I eat.
I've reduced the amount of meat I eat.