How to say Meat in Spanish?

What does Carne mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Meat” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Carne”?

Meat is translated in Spanish by...

La carne (f)

Example Sentences in Context.

En ese momento, Rio, el perro, estaba olfateando en busca del carrito que tenía ese olor tan delicioso a carne.
Meanwhile, Rio the dog was sniffing in search of the cart that had left such a delicious scent of meat.
Un sábado por la mañana, un cocinero llamado Simón tenía, como de costumbre, un carrito lleno de carnes, salchichas y jamón.
One Saturday morning, a cook named Simon had, as usual, his cart full of meats, sausages and ham.
No queda carne en la nevera.
There is no meat left in the fridge.
Reduje la cantidad de carne que como.
I've reduced the amount of meat I eat.


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