How to say Menu in French?
What does Menu mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Menu is translated in French by...
Le menu (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Merci. Je pourrais voir le menu, s'il vous plaît?
Thanks. Could I see the menu, please?
Thanks. Could I see the menu, please?
Oui, tout de suite, madame. Voici le menu...
Yes, right away, ma'am. Here is the menu...
Yes, right away, ma'am. Here is the menu...
More Example Sentences.
Elle demande donc à la serveuse d'apporter un menu pour enfants.
She asks the waitress to bring a children's menu.
She asks the waitress to bring a children's menu.
Ensuite, elle nous amène à notre table et nous distribue les menus.
Then, she brings us to our table and hands out the menus.
Then, she brings us to our table and hands out the menus.
Je déteste les menus pour adultes, les plats ont des noms longs et bizarres et contiennent plein de légumes!
I hate adult menus, dishes have long and weird names and lots of vegetables!
I hate adult menus, dishes have long and weird names and lots of vegetables!
La serveuse part et revient avec un beau menu pour enfants avec des jeux et des dessins dedans.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.
The waitress leaves and returns with a nice children's menu with games and drawings in it.