How to say Microwave in Italian?
What does Microonde mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Microwave is translated in Italian by...
La microonde (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Ha avuto una vita meravigliosa senza ingorghi del traffico, inquinamento e cene a microonde.
She had a wonderful life without traffic jams, pollution and microwave dinners.
She had a wonderful life without traffic jams, pollution and microwave dinners.
Metti il cibo nel microonde.
Put the food in the microwave.
Put the food in the microwave.
Posso scaldarlo nel microonde?
Can I heat this up in the microwave?
Can I heat this up in the microwave?
Il microonde può riscaldare gli alimenti molto velocemente.
The microwave can heat food very fast.
The microwave can heat food very fast.