How to say Milk in French?

What does Lait mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Milk” in French? What is the meaning of “Lait”?

Milk is translated in French by...

Le lait (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Un verre de lait.
A glass of milk.
Le lait au chocolat
Chocolate milk
La petite fille boit un verre de lait.
The little girl is drinking a glass of milk.
J'ai du café, du jus d'orange, du lait...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
Elle mange des céréales, mais elle n'avait plus de lait.
She is eating cereal, but she didn't have anymore milk.
As-tu besoin de lait pour la recette? Oui, j'en ai besoin.
Do you need milk for the recipe? Yes, I need (some of it).

More Example Sentences.

Moi, je commande du lait.
I order milk.
La tache de lait est enfin partie!
The milk stain is finally gone!
Il est maintenant tout mouillé, plein de lait.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Nous mangeons nos biscuits avec un bon verre de lait.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Il paraît que tu as renversé du lait sur ton cardigan ce matin.
It seems like you spilled milk on your cardigan this morning.


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