How to say Milk in Italian?

What does Latte mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Milk” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Latte”?

Milk is translated in Italian by...

Il latte (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Un bicchiere di latte.
A glass of milk.
Quanto latte vuoi nel tuo caffè?
How much milk do you like in your coffee?
La bambina beve un bicchiere di latte.
The little girl is drinking a glass of milk.
Ho del caffè, del succo d'arancia, del latte...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...

More Example Sentences.

Ora è tutto bagnato, pieno di latte.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
La macchia di latte è finalmente sparita!
The milk stain is finally gone!
Mangiamo i nostri biscotti con un buon bicchiere di latte.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Ho sentito che stamattina ti sei versato del latte sul cardigan.
It seems like you spilled milk on your cardigan this morning.


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