How to say Milk in Spanish?

What does Leche mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Milk” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Leche”?

Milk is translated in Spanish by...

La leche (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Un vaso de leche.
A glass of milk.
La niñita bebe un vaso de leche.
The little girl is drinking a glass of milk.
Tengo café, jugo de naranja, leche...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...

More Example Sentences.

¡La mancha de leche por fin se ha ido!
The milk stain is finally gone!
Ahora está todo mojado, cubierto en leche.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Comemos nuestras galletas con un buen vaso de leche.
We eat our cookies with a good glass of milk.
Parece que derramaste leche sobre tu chaqueta esta mañana.
It seems like you spilled milk on your cardigan this morning.
Con una gran sonrisa en el rostro, siempre llevaba pan y un poco de leche para dárselo a las personas más pobres.
With a big smile on her face, she would always take bread and a bit of milk to give to the poorest people.


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