How to say Month in Spanish?

What does Mes mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Month” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Mes”?

Month is translated in Spanish by...

Los meses (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Un largo mes...
A long month...
Vamos a fijar una cita para el próximo mes.
Let's take an appointment for next month.
Pero todavía falta un mes para las vacaciones...
But still one month before the holidays...
En dos meses, tú habrás mejorado mucho.
In two months, you will have improved a lot.

More Example Sentences.

Pasó dos meses viajando por Europa.
She spent two months traveling through Europe.
No más lecciones ni tareas por dos meses.
No more lessons and homework for two months.
Espero poder visitarlos en unos meses.
I hope I'll be able to visit them in a few months.
Había esperado meses para visitar este museo.
I had waited months to visit this museum.
¡Irás a la escuela dentro de un mes y medio!
You're off to school in a month and a half!
He estado viendo fotos de ensueño por meses.
I've been looking at dreamy pictures for months.
He querido visitar este museo por meses.
I've been wanting to visit this museum for several months.
A veces, siento que naciste hace unos meses.
Sometimes, I feel like you've only been born a few months.
¡Eso es lo que he estado tratado de decirte por meses!
That's what I've been trying to tell you for months!
¡Tengo que esperar más de un mes para recibirlos en casa!
I have to wait more than a month before I receive them at home!
Conoció a su esposa tan solo seis meses después de dejar la banda.
He met his wife only six months after he left the band.
Pasaron muchos meses, y Lily y Arlo se volvieron inseparables.
Many months passed. Lily and Arlo couldn't get enough of each other.
Hoy, por fin voy a ver un espectáculo que he querido ver por meses.
Today, I'm finally going to see the show I've been wanting to see for months.
Pasó un mes y la condición de la princesa, en lugar de mejorar, empeoró.
A month passed and the princess' condition, instead of improving, only got worse.
Debería haberlos cambiado hace varios meses, pero siempre surgían otras cosas inesperadas.
I should have had them changed several months ago, but I always had other unexpected things.
Después de unos meses, Harry y Johana se comprometieron y se mudaron a una casa pequeña y modesta.
After a few months, Harry and Johana got engaged and moved into a small, modest house.
Le llevó meses a Adán curarse por completo, pero nunca pudo volver a trabajar como leñador.
It took months for Adam to be completely healed, but he was never able to work as a lumberjack again.
Y ese era sólo el comienzo porque el plan de su tío era que pasara un mes y medio en la granja.
This was just the beginning, because his uncle's plan was for him to spend a month and a half on the farm.
Pero en el fondo de su corazón, tenía la profunda tristeza de no haber podido ver a su familia por meses.
But deep down in his heart, he had the deep sadness of not being able to see his family for months.
Pasaron varios meses, y un día, queriendo volver a ser útil para su pueblo, se le ocurrió una idea brillante.
Several months passed, and one day, wanting to be useful to his village again, a brilliant idea came to him.


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