How to say More in French?
What does Plus mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I do not have chalk anymore.

Stay here one more hour.

Do you want more juice?

My goodness! I have no more gas...

And there is no more soap in the shower.

He is taller (more tall) than you are (you).

You are shorter (more short) than everyone.

You need to concentrate a bit more, that's all.

You would have wished that I study more often.

You had ran for more than nine kilometres.

They forbade that we spend more money.

I would learn more easily if I had some help.

He insists that we investigate a little more.

They recommend that we wait a bit more.

I would need more examples to fully understand.

We would sell more lemonade, if it were the weekend.

She would understand better if she studied a bit more.