How to say Morning in French?

What does Matin mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Morning” in French? What is the meaning of “Matin”?

Morning is translated in French by...

Le matin (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Vous avez bu un café ce matin.
You drank a coffee this morning.
J'ai dû me réveiller tôt ce matin.
I had to wake up early this morning.
Oui. Il y a une visite tous les matins.
Yes. There is a tour every morning.
Il devait m'appeler ce matin.
He was supposed to call me this morning.
Elle va courir tôt le matin.
She goes running early in the morning.
Oui, justement, j'ai un examen ce matin!
Yes, actually, I have an exam this morning!
Le marché ouvre à dix heures du matin.
The market opens at ten in the morning.
Où est Marc? Je ne l'ai pas vu ce matin...
Where is Marc? I didn't see him this morning...
Vous ouvrez votre boîte aux lettres tous les matins.
You open your mailbox every morning.
La visite part à onze heures, tous les matins.
The tour leaves at eleven o'clock, every morning.
Nous attendions le train tous les matins.
We used to wait for the train every morning.
J'avais mangé beaucoup trop de gruau ce matin-là.
I had eaten way too much oatmeal that morning.
Oui, il y a un départ le matin à sept heures...
Yes, there's a departure in the morning at seven o'clock...
Je m'assoirais pour parler avec lui tous les matins, si je le pouvais.
I would sit down to talk with him every morning, if I could.

More Example Sentences.

Ce matin, je me réveille.
This morning, I wake up.
Je n'ai pas pu manger ce matin.
I couldn't eat this morning.
Je pars très tôt le matin.
I leave very early in the morning.
Le bateau accoste à huit heures du matin.
The ship docks at eight in the morning.
C'était peut-être l'heure de pointe ce matin.
Maybe it was rush hour this morning.
Ou d'écouter les oiseaux chanter le matin?
Or listen to the birds sing in the morning?
J'ai oublié de prendre mon petit-déjeuner ce matin.
I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.
Ce matin, j'ai rencontré un homme et sa fille.
This morning, I ran into a man and his daughter.
Contrairement à ce matin, la gare est presque vide.
Unlike this morning, the station is almost empty.
Son ami a répondu: Samedi matin à huit heures.
His friend replied: Saturday morning at eight o'clock.
Anna se rendait au travail à pied le matin du rendez-vous.
Anna was walking to work the morning of the date.
Clémentine est sortie un matin avec six bébés poussins.
Clementine came out one morning with six baby chicks.
Ce matin, je reçois un coupon rabais dans ma boîte aux lettres.
This morning, I receive a discount coupon in my mailbox.
Il paraît que tu as renversé du lait sur ton cardigan ce matin.
It seems like you spilled milk on your cardigan this morning.


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