How to say Morning in German?
What does Morgen mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Morning is translated in German by...
Der Morgen (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Guten Morgen, Liebster!
Good morning, darling!
Good morning, darling!
Ich bin heute Morgen müde.
I am tired this morning.
I am tired this morning.
Guten Morgen. Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Good morning. Can I help you?
Good morning. Can I help you?
Er musste mich heute Morgen anrufen.
He had to call me this morning.
He had to call me this morning.
Ihr habt heute Morgen Kaffee getrunken.
You drank coffee this morning.
You drank coffee this morning.
Guten Morgen! Schöner Tag, nicht wahr?
Good morning! Beautiful day, isn't it?
Good morning! Beautiful day, isn't it?
Ich beginne morgen früh mit der Schule.
I begin school tomorrow morning.
I begin school tomorrow morning.
Sie geht früh am Morgen laufen.
She goes running early in the morning.
She goes running early in the morning.
Ja. Jeden Morgen gibt es eine Führung.
Yes. There is a guided tour every morning.
Yes. There is a guided tour every morning.
Ich habe heute Morgen früh aufstehen müssen.
I had to wake up early this morning.
I had to wake up early this morning.
Der Markt öffnet um zehn Uhr morgens.
The market opens at ten in the morning.
The market opens at ten in the morning.
Jeden Morgen macht ihr euren Briefkasten auf.
You open your mailbox every morning.
You open your mailbox every morning.
Ja, ich habe gerade heute Morgen eine Prüfung.
Yes, I actually have an exam this morning.
Yes, I actually have an exam this morning.
Die Tour fährt jeden Morgen um elf Uhr ab.
The tour leaves every morning at eleven o'clock.
The tour leaves every morning at eleven o'clock.
Jeden Morgen stehe ich um sieben Uhr auf.
I get up every morning at seven o'clock.
I get up every morning at seven o'clock.
Die Sonne geht auf, da es Morgen ist.
The sun is rising, because it is the morning.
The sun is rising, because it is the morning.
Wo ist Klaus? Ich habe ihn heute Morgen nicht gesehen...
Where is Klaus? I didn't see him this morning...
Where is Klaus? I didn't see him this morning...
Ja, da ist eine Abfahrt um sieben Uhr morgens.
Yes, there's a departure in the morning at seven o'clock.
Yes, there's a departure in the morning at seven o'clock.
Ich hatte heute morgen viel zu viele Haferflocken gegessen.
I had eaten way too much oatmeal that morning.
I had eaten way too much oatmeal that morning.
Der Arzt sagt, wir sollen am Morgen essen und trinken.
The doctor said we should eat and drink in the morning.
The doctor said we should eat and drink in the morning.
Ihr hattet am Morgen zwei Stunden auf den Zug gewartet.
You had waited for the train for two hours this morning.
You had waited for the train for two hours this morning.
Sie hatten den ganzen Morgen im Bett ihrer Eltern geschlafen.
They had slept in their parents' bed all morning.
They had slept in their parents' bed all morning.
Wenn ich Zeit hätte, würde ich mich setzen und mit ihm jeden Morgen sprechen.
If I had time, I would sit down and talk with him every morning.
If I had time, I would sit down and talk with him every morning.