How to say Morning in Italian?

What does Mattina mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Morning” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Mattina”?
La mattina (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Lui si rasa tutte le mattine.
He shaves every morning.
Io sono stanca questa mattina.
I am tired this morning.
Lei apre la sua cassetta postale tutte le mattine.
You open your mailbox every morning.
Sì. C'è una visita ogni mattina.
Yes. There is a tour every morning.
Lei corre la mattina presto.
She goes running early in the morning.
Voi avete bevuto un caffè questa mattina.
You drank coffee this morning.
Sì, in verità ho un esame questa mattina.
Yes, actually I have an exam this morning.
Lui doveva chiamarmi questa mattina.
He was supposed to call me this morning.
Io ho dovuto svegliarmi presto questa mattina.
I had to wake up early this morning.
La visita parte ogni mattina alle undici.
The tour leaves every morning at eleven o'clock.
Noi aspettavamo il treno ogni mattina.
We used to wait for the train every morning.
Quella mattina avevo mangiato troppo porridge.
I had eaten too much oatmeal that morning.
Dove si trova Franco? Non l'ho visto questa mattina...
Where is Franco? I didn't see him this morning...
Sì, c'è una partenza la mattina alle sette...
Yes, there's a departure in the morning at seven o'clock...


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