How to say Mother in Spanish?
What does Madre mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Mother is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Mother's day

I used to depend on my mother.

Great! It's my mother's recipe.

These flowers are for my mother.

She is giving a gift to her mother.

He wants to help his mother to cook.

A snake! Incredible! My mother would be terrified.

Remember that my mother will be coming to visit us today!

I am surprised that she visit(s) her mother so often.

I am showing my mother how to use her computer.
More Example Sentences.

Their pharmacy was mother nature.

I really hope to be a good mother.

Fortunately, my mother knows me.

Her mother was very happy for her daughter.

It brings back beautiful memories of my mother.

They will make you faster, replied his mother.

At home, my mother is waiting for me in the kitchen.

I have learned a lot from my mother at a very young age.

Her mother always answered: It will come, don't worry.

Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.

My mother is disappointed that she can't heat the soup.

I've left my wife, my mother with my two children at home.

My mother used to take me to the park to see the birds in the pond.

My mother is making us a delicious homemade soup in the kitchen.

Edward was very nervous, but his mother continued to encourage him.

I hear my mother, my father and my sister screaming at the same time!

His mother's cries of joy stood out in the midst of the huge crowd.

On the way to the stadium, the mother handed Edward the colored shoes.

His mother started laughing and admitted that the shoes had nothing special.

His father and mother, who had tears of joy, rejoiced with pure happiness.

Edward recalled his mother's words: No one can beat you with those shoes.

The children and the soldier's mother ran to the door to hug them as well.

At first, the young man seemed to doubt his mother, but he had always trusted her.

They were a perfect fit, but his mother forbade him from wearing them before the race.

When Edward returned home, he asked his mother to tell him the secret of those shoes.

The next morning, Edward's mother went to his room with a very nutritious breakfast.

He had left his wife, his two children, and his mother, to go to war against an invading country.