How to say Mountain in French?
What does Montagne mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Mountain is translated in French by...
La montagne (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La montagne est haute.
The mountain is high.
The mountain is high.
Il a descendu une montagne très à pic.
He went down a very steep mountain.
He went down a very steep mountain.
Nous montions la montagne en télésiège.
We were going up the mountain in a chairlift.
We were going up the mountain in a chairlift.
Ils escaladeront la montagne dans la neige.
They will climb the mountain in the snow.
They will climb the mountain in the snow.
Il va pousser ce rocher sur la montagne.
He is going to push this rock on the mountain.
He is going to push this rock on the mountain.
Vous monterez en haut de la montagne à pied.
You will go up (at the top of) the mountain by foot.
You will go up (at the top of) the mountain by foot.
Il teste ses nouveaux skis sur une montagne abrupte.
He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.
He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.
Ils ont eu beaucoup de mal à escalader la montagne.
They had a lot of trouble climbing the mountain.
They had a lot of trouble climbing the mountain.
Nous n'aurions jamais atteint le sommet de la montagne s'il pleuvait.
We would never have reached the summit of the mountain if it were raining.
We would never have reached the summit of the mountain if it were raining.
More Example Sentences.
De la ville à la montagne.
From the city to the mountain.
From the city to the mountain.
Il travaillait comme guide touristique dans les montagnes.
He worked as a nature tour guide in the mountains.
He worked as a nature tour guide in the mountains.
Elle était tombée amoureuse de la tranquillité des montagnes.
She had fallen in love with the tranquility of the mountains.
She had fallen in love with the tranquility of the mountains.
C'était un bel endroit avec des montagnes et une vue magnifique.
It was a beautiful place with mountains and a wonderful view.
It was a beautiful place with mountains and a wonderful view.
Ce grand homme est ce que l'on appelle aujourd'hui le gorille de montagne .
That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.
That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.
Il était une fois un petit village au milieu d'une grande chaîne de montagnes.
There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.
There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.
Il était une fois un bûcheron qui vivait au sommet d'une montagne avec sa femme et ses deux fils.
There was once a lumberjack who lived on top of a mountain with his wife and two sons.
There was once a lumberjack who lived on top of a mountain with his wife and two sons.
La chaleur devenait de moins en moins forte à cause des petites montagnes qui s'élevaient autour d'eux.
The heat became less and less draining due to the small mountains that rose around them.
The heat became less and less draining due to the small mountains that rose around them.
Il a décidé de se présenter comme guide touristique et l'a invitée à faire une promenade dans la région montagneuse.
He decided to introduce himself as a tour guide and invited her for a walk through the mountainous area.
He decided to introduce himself as a tour guide and invited her for a walk through the mountainous area.