How to say Mountain in Italian?
What does Montagna mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Mountain is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

The mountain is high.

You will go up the mountain by foot.

The mountain is behind the city.

He went down a very steep mountain.

They will climb the snowy mountain.

We were going up the mountain in a chairlift.

He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.

I had a lot of trouble climbing the mountain.

If it were raining, we would never have reached the summit of the mountain.
More Example Sentences.

From the city to the mountain.

He worked as a nature tour guide in the mountains.

That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.

The heat became less and less draining due to the small mountains that rose around them.

The experienced ecologist had worked in many places in the past, such as seas, rivers, and mountains.

There was once a lumberjack who lived on top of a mountain with his wife and two sons.

She tells me that the clouds get stuck in the mountains and that all the rain falls on this side of the island.

He decided to introduce himself as a tour guide and invited her for a walk through the mountainous area.