How to say Movie in French?
What does Film mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Movie is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Have you seen the movie?

The movie scared us.

You will watch a good movie.

The movie starts at eight o'clock.

Very few movies interest her.

Yes, I love to go watch good movies!

We might (will maybe) watch a movie.

That is the best scene in the movie.

You will cry while watching the movie.

I think that the movie was terrible.

I began watching the movie without you.

I think that they are going to hate the movie.

I'd like to go shopping or watch a movie.

To watch: They were laughing while watching the movie.

When you watch a movie or show, put on the subtitles in your language.
More Example Sentences.

It seemed to have come right out of a horror movie.

We don't need to go to the video store to rent a movie.