How to say Museum in Italian?
What does Museo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Museum is translated in Italian by...
Il museo (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ho visitato il museo durante il mio soggiorno a Roma.
I visited the museum during my stay in Rome.
I visited the museum during my stay in Rome.
More Example Sentences.
Non potrò visitare il museo.
I won't be able to visit the museum.
I won't be able to visit the museum.
Aspettavo da mesi di visitare questo museo.
I had waited months to visit this museum.
I had waited months to visit this museum.
Oggi visito il più grande museo del Paese.
Today, I visit the biggest museum in the country.
Today, I visit the biggest museum in the country.
Voglio visitare questo museo da diversi mesi.
I've been wanting to visit this museum for several months.
I've been wanting to visit this museum for several months.
Per visitare il museo, devo prendere il treno fino alla stazione centrale.
To go see the museum, I have to take the train to the main station.
To go see the museum, I have to take the train to the main station.
Quando arrivo al museo, vedo una fila gigantesca davanti all'ingresso principale.
Arriving at the museum, I see a gigantic line in front of the main entrance.
Arriving at the museum, I see a gigantic line in front of the main entrance.