How to say Music in French?
What does Musique mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Music is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

What kind of music do you like?

You play a music instrument?

They were listening to music.

I love to listen and play music.

(Me) I like music that makes me dance.

You taught music to the children.

You used to listen to music to fall asleep.

She doesn't hear anything other than her music.

To listen: You walk while listening to music.

They used to listen to music for hours.

She is listening to music on her laptop computer.

I would listen to music all day, but I have to study.

She had never listened to music with these headphones before.
More Example Sentences.

Elevator music.

The music reassures me.

And stop this music!

And this music is annoying me!

If only I could stop this music!

He always said: I can see music with my ears.

We have access to all the incredible music of the world.

Mateo was a young man who was very passionate about music.

After about an hour, music starts playing again in the elevator.

I heard that she loves music and she is learning to play guitar.

Will you play a music instrument or will you be a little genius in school?

On my way up to my floor, the lights start flashing and the music stops.

His schoolmates only knew that he liked music very much, but that's all.

I don't think I'll ever be able to take this elevator again if they don't change the music.

As he'd never been able to see, he managed to develop an incredible ear for music.

He liked classical music and his only dream was playing at a big event along with his idols.

After about two hours on the road listening to music in my car, I arrive at the national park.

It would be a classical music concert and, of course, would involve the best voices of the school.

The music stops and I hear a reassuring voice: I'm so sorry ma'am, we're doing everything we can.