How to say Near in Italian?
What does Vicino mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Near is translated in Italian by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Vicino alla cassa?
Near the checkout counter?
Near the checkout counter?
La palla è vicino al buco.
The ball is near the hole.
The ball is near the hole.
More Example Sentences.
C'è un piccolo parco vicino a casa mia.
There's a little park near my house.
There's a little park near my house.
Hanno deciso di allestire un campo vicino al sito.
They decided to make a camp near the site.
They decided to make a camp near the site.
C'è un bellissimo parco per cani vicino a casa mia.
There's a beautiful dog park near my house.
There's a beautiful dog park near my house.
Jacob il cane e Lucas il gatto erano vicini e ascoltavano attentamente.
Jacob the dog and Lucas the cat were nearby and were listening attentively.
Jacob the dog and Lucas the cat were nearby and were listening attentively.
Un giorno, Don Manuel è andato a fare le spese al mercato più vicino.
One day, Don Manuel went shopping at the nearest market.
One day, Don Manuel went shopping at the nearest market.
L'anno scorso, abbiamo costruito una capanna con rami d'albero vicino al cottage.
Last year, we built a shack from tree branches near the chalet.
Last year, we built a shack from tree branches near the chalet.
Così, partiamo e parcheggiamo vicino a un ristorante chiamato Pasta pazza.
So, we get on the road and we park near a restaurant called Crazy pastas.
So, we get on the road and we park near a restaurant called Crazy pastas.