How to say Near in Spanish?

What does Cerca mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Near” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Cerca”?

Near is translated in Spanish by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¿Cerca del mostrador?
Near the checkout counter?
La pelota está cerca del hoyo.
The ball is near the hole.

More Example Sentences.

Hay un pequeño parque cerca de mi casa.
There's a little park near my house.
Decidieron acampar cerca del sitio.
They decided to make a camp near the site.
La costa más cercana estaba a dos horas.
The nearest coast was two hours away.
Hay un hermoso parque para perros cerca de mi casa.
There's a beautiful dog park near my house.
De repente, se dirigió a la estación de autobuses más cercana.
On a whim, she headed to the nearest bus station.
Un día, don Manuel salió de compras al mercado más cercano.
One day, Don Manuel went shopping at the nearest market.
De repente, un grupo de niños de sexto grado se acerca a mí.
All of a sudden, a group of boys from sixth grade comes near me.
El año pasado, construimos una cabaña con ramas de árboles cerca al chalet.
Last year, we built a shack from tree branches near the chalet.
Jacob el perro y Lucas el gato estaban cerca y escucharon atentamente.
Jacob the dog and Lucas the cat were nearby and were listening attentively.
Luego, nos ponemos en camino y aparcamos cerca de un restaurante llamado Pastas locas.
So, we get on the road and we park near a restaurant called Crazy pastas.


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