How to say Nervous in German?
What does Nervös mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Nervous is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Er mag es nicht, zu lügen; es macht ihn nervös.
He doesn't like to lie; it makes him nervous.
He doesn't like to lie; it makes him nervous.
More Example Sentences.
Edward war sehr nervös, aber seine Mutter ermutigte ihn weiter.
Edward was very nervous, but his mother continued to encourage him.
Edward was very nervous, but his mother continued to encourage him.
Oh nein! Nur 30 Minuten, bevor das Schiff ablegt. Ich bin sehr nervös.
Oh no! Only 30 minutes before the ship leaves. I'm very nervous.
Oh no! Only 30 minutes before the ship leaves. I'm very nervous.
Ich habe viele Bücher über die Mutterschaft gelesen, aber es macht mich nur noch nervöser.
I have read many books on motherhood, but it only makes me more nervous.
I have read many books on motherhood, but it only makes me more nervous.
Es fühlt sich seltsam an, eine Mama zu werden. Ich bin ein bisschen nervös, weil es alles neu für mich ist.
It feels strange to become a mom. I'm a bit nervous because it's all new to me.
It feels strange to become a mom. I'm a bit nervous because it's all new to me.