How to say Nervous in Spanish?

What does Nervioso mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Nervous” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Nervioso”?

Nervous is translated in Spanish by...

Nervioso (m) / Nerviosa (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

A él no le gusta mentir; eso lo pone nervioso.
He doesn't like to lie; it makes him nervous.

More Example Sentences.

Estoy muy nervioso.
I'm very nervous.
He leído muchos libros sobre la maternidad, pero sólo me ponen más nerviosa.
I have read many books on motherhood, but it only makes me more nervous.
Edward estaba muy nervioso, pero su madre continuó alentándolo.
Edward was very nervous, but his mother continued to encourage him.
Cuando finalmente puso un pie en su ciudad natal, se sintió muy nervioso.
When he finally set foot in his hometown, he felt very nervous.
Se siente extraño convertirme en mamá. Estoy un poco nerviosa porque todo es muy nuevo para mí.
It feels strange to become a mom. I'm a bit nervous because it's all new to me.


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