How to say Never in French?

What does Jamais mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Never” in French? What is the meaning of “Jamais”?

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Je ne suis jamais fatiguée.
I am never tired.
Je ne mentirai plus jamais.
I will never lie again.
Intéressant. Jamais entendu parler.
Interesting. Never heard of it.
Non, je n'ai jamais eu ce problème.
No, I've never had this problem.
Non, on ne travaille jamais le dimanche.
No, we never work on Sundays.
Je ne veux jamais oublier ce moment.
I never want to forget this moment.
Je n'admettrais jamais que j'avais tort.
I would never admit that I was wrong.
Elles n'ont jamais rencontré le président.
They have never met the president.
Sûrement, un orage ne dure jamais longtemps.
Probably, a thunderstorm never lasts very long.
Chanceuse! Je n'ai jamais volé en première classe.
Lucky you! I never get to fly in first class.
Je n'ai jamais compris ce sport. Comment ça marche?
I never understood this sport. How does it work?
Il n'avait jamais pris l'avion avant aujourd'hui.
He had never taken the plane before today.


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