How to say New in Italian?
What does Nuovo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
New is translated in Italian by...
Nuovo (m) / Nuova (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
L'Anno Nuovo (m)
New year's
New year's
Lui ha una nuova macchina.
He has a new car.
He has a new car.
La macchina è nuova o usata?
Is it a new or used car?
Is it a new or used car?
Io avrò nuovi giocattoli oggi.
I will have new toys today.
I will have new toys today.
Ho comprato delle scarpe nuove.
I bought some new shoes.
I bought some new shoes.
Lei compra un paio di jeans nuovi.
She is buying some new jeans.
She is buying some new jeans.
Salve! Benvenuto nella mia nuova casa!
Hello! Welcome to my new house!
Hello! Welcome to my new house!
Loro sono pronti ad avere una nuova casa.
They are ready to have a new house.
They are ready to have a new house.
Chiunque può imparare una nuova lingua.
Anyone can learn a new language.
Anyone can learn a new language.
Io amerò il mio nuovo lavoro.
I will love my new job.
I will love my new job.
La macchina nuova è peggio di quella vecchia.
The new car is worse than the old one.
The new car is worse than the old one.
Lei ha un nuovo computer portatile.
She has a new laptop computer.
She has a new laptop computer.
Il mio nuovo fratellino dorme.
My new little brother is sleeping.
My new little brother is sleeping.
Loro adotteranno un nuovo cucciolo.
They will adopt a new puppy.
They will adopt a new puppy.
Questo è il nostro nuovo appartamento.
This is our new apartment.
This is our new apartment.
Lui prova i suoi sci nuovi su una montagna ripida.
He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.
He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.
La mia nuova televisione ha un'ottima qualità dell'immagine.
My new television has a great image quality.
My new television has a great image quality.
Il nostro furgone è nuovo, il loro è vecchio.
Our truck is new, theirs is old.
Our truck is new, theirs is old.
Si è comprata un nuovo computer per il lavoro.
She bought a new computer for work.
She bought a new computer for work.
Beh, in realtà... Sto cercando un nuovo materasso.
Well, actually... I am looking for a new mattress.
Well, actually... I am looking for a new mattress.
Noi avevamo dipinto la camera del nostro nuovo bambino prima dell'inverno.
We had painted our new baby's bedroom before the winter.
We had painted our new baby's bedroom before the winter.
Prima di ordinare il nuovo pavimento, noi avremo misurato la stanza quattro volte.
Before ordering the new floor, we will have measured the room four times.
Before ordering the new floor, we will have measured the room four times.