How to say Nobody in Italian?

What does Nessuno mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Nobody” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Nessuno”?

Nobody is translated in Italian by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Non c'è nessuno in teatro.
There is nobody in the theatre.
Non c'è nessuno nel deserto.
There is nobody in the desert.
Non c'è nessuno in classe.
There is nobody in the classroom.
Non c'è nessuno in biblioteca.
There is nobody in the library.

More Example Sentences.

Entro nel garage e nessuno mi guarda.
I walk into the garage and nobody looks at me.
La competizione è iniziata e nessuno ha scommesso sull'asinello, tranne Don Manuel.
The competition began and nobody had bet on the little donkey, except for Don Manuel.


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