How to say Noon in French?

What does Midi mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Noon” in French? What is the meaning of “Midi”?

Noon is translated in French by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il est midi.
It's noon.
Bon après-midi
Have a nice afternoon
Dimanche après-midi, si possible.
Sunday afternoon, if possible.
De rien monsieur. Bon après-midi.
You're welcome sir. Have a good afternoon.
Vous tondrez le gazon cet après-midi.
You will mow the lawn this afternoon.
Oui, il y aura un orage en après-midi.
Yes, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.
Je devrai faire la lessive cet après-midi.
I will have to do the laundry this afternoon.


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Time in French.