How to say Normal in Italian?
What does Normale mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Normal is translated in Italian by...
Normale (m) / Normale (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Va bene normale, grazie.
Normal size is fine, thank you.
Normal size is fine, thank you.
La pressione del sangue è normale.
Your blood pressure is normal.
Your blood pressure is normal.
Lo desidera normale o grande?
Would you like the normal or large size?
Would you like the normal or large size?
Voglio solo una vita familiare normale.
I only want a normal family life.
I only want a normal family life.
Da bambino, è normale avere bisogno di giocare.
As a child, it is normal to need to play.
As a child, it is normal to need to play.
Nel modo normale. Il modo in cui lo dicono tutti.
Just the normal way. The way everyone says it.
Just the normal way. The way everyone says it.
E questo è il problema. Se lo dicessimo tutti nel modo normale, tutto sarebbe più facile!
And that's the problem. If we all said it the normal way, everything would be easier!
And that's the problem. If we all said it the normal way, everything would be easier!
More Example Sentences.
Mi piacerebbe tanto diventare un essere umano normale.
I would love to become a normal human being.
I would love to become a normal human being.
Non so se è normale, ma mi preoccupa molto.
I don't know if it's normal, but it worries me a lot.
I don't know if it's normal, but it worries me a lot.
Il giorno dopo, Milo si è alzato con più entusiasmo del normale.
The next day, Milo got up with more enthusiasm than normal.
The next day, Milo got up with more enthusiasm than normal.
Voleva che la guerra finisse rapidamente per poter tornare a casa e condurre una vita normale.
He wanted the war to end quickly so that he could fly home and live a normal life.
He wanted the war to end quickly so that he could fly home and live a normal life.