How to say Nothing in French?
What does Rien mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Je n'ai rien à dire.
I have nothing to say.
I have nothing to say.
C'est mieux que rien!
It's better than nothing.
It's better than nothing.
Ah, rien de trop compliqué...
Ah, nothing too complicated...
Ah, nothing too complicated...
Il n'y a rien dans la pièce.
There is nothing in the room.
There is nothing in the room.
Il n'y a rien dans le frigo.
There is nothing in the fridge.
There is nothing in the fridge.
C'est rien, madame. Bon voyage.
It's nothing, ma'am. Enjoy your flight.
It's nothing, ma'am. Enjoy your flight.
Il n'y a rien sur le comptoir.
There is nothing on the counter.
There is nothing on the counter.
Je n'ai rien d'autre à te donner.
I have nothing else to give you.
I have nothing else to give you.
Désolée. Il ne reste plus rien pour dimanche.
I'm sorry. There is nothing left for Sunday.
I'm sorry. There is nothing left for Sunday.
D'accord, mais je n'ai rien d'interdit à l'intérieur.
Okay, but I have nothing prohibited inside.
Okay, but I have nothing prohibited inside.