How to say Now in French?
What does Maintenant mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Now is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ah! Maintenant je comprends!
Oh! Now I understand!
Oh! Now I understand!
Non, je suis infirmière maintenant.
No, I am a nurse now.
No, I am a nurse now.
Elle doit partir maintenant.
She needs to leave now.
She needs to leave now.
Oui. Bon, je dois partir maintenant.
Yes. Well, I have to go now.
Yes. Well, I have to go now.
Est-ce que c'est pour maintenant ou plus tard?
Is it for now or later?
Is it for now or later?
Nous comprenons le français maintenant.
We understand French now.
We understand French now.
Pas maintenant. Elle est au téléphone.
Not now. She is on the phone.
Not now. She is on the phone.
Non, je suis divorcée, maintenant célibataire...
No, I am divorced, now single...
No, I am divorced, now single...
Maintenant, le plus tôt possible, s'il vous plaît.
Now, as soon as possible, please.
Now, as soon as possible, please.
Je choisirai de manger sainement à partir de maintenant.
I will choose to eat healthy from now on.
I will choose to eat healthy from now on.
Laisse tes affaires ici, nous devons partir maintenant.
Leave your things here, we have to go now.
Leave your things here, we have to go now.
Elle a conduit pendant deux heures et c'est maintenant mon tour.
She drove for two hours and it's now my turn.
She drove for two hours and it's now my turn.
Il va falloir que tu t'occupes de deux chats maintenant.
It's going to be necessary that you take care of two cats now.
It's going to be necessary that you take care of two cats now.
Tu leur offrais ton aide, mais maintenant, ils sont assez vieux pour faire leurs devoirs seuls.
You used to offer them your help, but now, they are old enough to do their homework alone.
You used to offer them your help, but now, they are old enough to do their homework alone.
More Example Sentences.
Maintenant, assieds-toi.
Now, sit.
Now, sit.
Que vais-je faire maintenant?
What do I do now?
What do I do now?
Tu as maintenant 5 ans.
You are now 5 years old.
You are now 5 years old.
Je dois manger maintenant.
I have to eat right now.
I have to eat right now.
Qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?
What do I do now?
What do I do now?
Il a maintenant trois enfants.
He now has three children.
He now has three children.
Je suis maintenant à l'aéroport.
I am now at the airport.
I am now at the airport.
Il est maintenant temps de partir.
It is now time to leave.
It is now time to leave.
Le monde est plus simple maintenant.
The world is simpler now.
The world is simpler now.
Il est maintenant tout mouillé, plein de lait.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Now it's all wet, full of milk.
Maintenant, nous devons continuer notre route.
Now we must continue our journey.
Now we must continue our journey.
Maintenant, c'est si facile d'organiser un voyage.
Now, it's so easy to organize a trip.
Now, it's so easy to organize a trip.
Mais maintenant, je dois tout laisser derrière moi.
But now, I must leave everything behind.
But now, I must leave everything behind.
Il apprécie maintenant la vie paisible qu'il mène.
He now appreciates the peaceful life he has.
He now appreciates the peaceful life he has.
Ça fait maintenant presque 6 mois que je suis partie.
It's now been almost six months since I left.
It's now been almost six months since I left.
C'est maintenant douze dollars pour un paquet de noix!
That's now twelve dollars for a pack of nuts!
That's now twelve dollars for a pack of nuts!
Jim joue maintenant dans les mariages et les fêtes de bureau.
Jim now plays in weddings and office parties.
Jim now plays in weddings and office parties.
Nous votons maintenant pour notre programme informatique préféré.
We now vote for our favorite computer program.
We now vote for our favorite computer program.
Je suis maintenant à la retraite, et je n'en peux plus des rires.
I am now retired, and I can't take any more laughs.
I am now retired, and I can't take any more laughs.
C'est maintenant l'un des groupes les plus populaires au monde.
It is now one of the most popular bands in the world.
It is now one of the most popular bands in the world.
L'odeur de mouffette et de tomates rempli maintenant toute la maison.
The smell of skunk and tomatoes now fills the entire house.
The smell of skunk and tomatoes now fills the entire house.
Maintenant que j'y pense, l'internet pose aussi quelques problèmes.
Now that I think of it, the internet also brings a few problems.
Now that I think of it, the internet also brings a few problems.
Le problème c'est qu'il y a maintenant un couple avec leur tout-petit assis sur nos chaises.
The problem is that there is now a couple with their toddler sitting in our chairs.
The problem is that there is now a couple with their toddler sitting in our chairs.
Je suis maintenant amateur de chevaux, mon pur-sang participe à une course chaque semaine et je gagne ma vie comme ça.
I am now a horse fan, my thoroughbred competes in a race every week and that's how I make a living.
I am now a horse fan, my thoroughbred competes in a race every week and that's how I make a living.
Nous sommes maintenant obligés de rester devant la cheminée, parce qu'il fait très froid dans le reste de la maison.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.
We are now forced to stay in front of the fireplace, because it is very cold in the rest of the house.