How to say Ocean in German?

What does Ozean mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Ocean” in German? What is the meaning of “Ozean”?

Ocean is translated in German by...

Der Ozean (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Wir sind in den Ozean gelaufen.
We ran in the ocean.
Sie tanzen in der Nähe des Ozeans.
They are dancing near the ocean.
Ihr werdet sehr nahe am Ozean leben!
You will live very close to the ocean!
Hast du jemals den Ozean gesehen?
Have you ever (at least once) seen the ocean?

More Example Sentences.

Ich bin in einer kleinen Stadt an der Küste des Atlantischen Ozeans.
I am in a small town on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.


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