How to say Office in German?
What does Büro mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Office is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You work at the office.

The associates' office, hello.

Can I come in your office?

He wants to go to the office with you.

My secretary will show you your office.

She will leave the office when her work is done.

Petra is the least interesting person in the office.

If he weren't at the office, he would throw the papers in the air.
More Example Sentences.

I will miss my old colleagues in the office.

I hope to surprise everyone in the office with my skills.

My father works in his office as usual. He always works from home.

My office is only on the eight floor, so I often take the stairs. It keeps me in shape.

I leave to get something to eat, and I come back to the office at around seven at night.