Learn Italian: Office Vocabulary

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Office Vocabulary
L'ufficio (m)

Tu lavori in ufficio.
You work at the office.
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Il computer (m)

Io ho riparato il computer.
I fixed the computer.
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La scrivania (f)

La lettera è sulla scrivania.
The letter is on the desk.
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Il fax (m)
Fax machine

Dov'è il fax?
Where is the fax machine?
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La tastiera (f)

Hai visto la mia tastiera?
Have you seen my keyboard?
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Il mouse (m)

Ho comprato un nuovo mouse per computer.
I bought a new computer mouse.
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La sedia da ufficio (f)
Office chair

Mia sorella ha una nuova sedia da ufficio.
My sister has a new office chair.
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La stampante (f)

Se ci fosse inchiostro nella stampante, voi stampereste i vostri compiti.
If there were ink in the printer, you would print your homework.
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Lo schermo (m)

Mi piacerebbe prendere il controllo completo del suo schermo.
I would love to take full control of his screen.
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Lo scaffale (m)

Lo scaffale è troppo alto.
The shelf is too high.
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